Love After Death

Love After Death, a project created by Dr. Stacey Pitsillides. Stacey is a design researcher, curator, and academic whose research considers how to design death for the 21st century.

For this project I took on different roles throughout the years (2016-2019): Design production, Website Design, hosting and informing people at events such as FutureFest (2016) , Material Legacies Exhibition (2017), and The Final Party (2018) in London, UK.

Website design

I have created a website design using the Squarespace platform. The website serves as a way to connect with Dr. Stacey Pitsillides, find out about past and future events, and explore the possibilities of death and bereavement in the Digital Age.

Documentation pictures of the installation and Events at Future Fest (Tobacco Dock, London), The Final Party (Redbridge Library, London) and Material Legacies Exhibition (Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London).


Creative Direction, Concept Creation and Design Research - Dr Stacey Pitsillides

Design production, Digital Design - Giulia Brancati

Design production, Digital Design , Film Post-Production and Marketing Moira Manni

Design Development and Production - Alice Bertazzi

Design Development and Production - Kornelija Bruzaite

Editorial Design, Concept Development and Visual Research - Maria Vioque

Editorial Design, Concept Development and Visual Research - Shize Zhang

Love After Death was originally commissioned in 2016 for Future Love at NESTA’s FutureFest16 by Dr Stacey Pitsillides with the support of University of Greenwich and NESTA.


Into'Sud - Branding


NOT UR BABY - Branding and social media